About Essential Acupuncture
& Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture is one part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) developed in China over the course of thousands of years. It helps to relieve symptoms of many common health issues such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, menstrual irregularities, PMS and pain to name a few. Acupuncture has also proven effective in treating endocrine, circulatory and systemic conditions. In most cases it can help uncover the root cause of the health concerns a person is experiencing.
Acupuncture works with the body’s vital energy which in TCM is referred to as Qi (pronounced “chee”). Qi embodies a person’s innate desire to maintain balance and homeostasis thereby creating well-being and good health. Acupuncturists work with the vital energy in a person’s body by using specific points on meridians or channels. These meridians carry vital energy to all the parts of our body ensuring that all the muscles, cells, tissues, organs and glands receive nourishment and energy.
In TCM when a person becomes ill or experiences pain the flow of Qi in the meridians has been blocked or compromised.
By using diagnostic skills honed through many clinic hours and practice the acupuncturist can determine which points on certain meridians can help bring the body back into balance by unblocking, moving and ultimately allowing the vital energy to flow throughout the body again.
Herbal Medicine makes up another important component of TCM. Herbs have been used in all cultures and traditions around the world to help people overcome anything from the common cold to more severe health concerns.
At Essential Acupuncture a thorough health history is taken and from this information research is undertaken to create a custom formula specifically for the individual to address their particular health concerns.
Marianne is Board Certified in Chinese Herbs through the NCCAOM and has studied with David Winston since 2016 delving deeper into the knowledge of herbs and skill of making custom herbal tinctures for her clients.
Herbal formulas can be used as a standalone therapy to address situational issues like insomnia and anxiety. When it is combined with regular Acupuncture sessions, it can address more chronic issues as well as enhance and extend the effects of the Acupuncture treatments.
Herbal Medicine Information
To help achieve and maintain balance different techniques can be used:
Most commonly known is Acupuncture, the use of very small sterile disposable needles no bigger in diameter than a hair, placed at specific points on the body.
Moxibustion is the use of dried mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) placed on the needles or above the skin and burned as a warming therapy during treatment.
Electro Acupuncture is when acupuncture points are gently and safely stimulated using an electric current.
Cupping uses glass cups to create suction on the skin to facilitate and increase the movement of Qi and circulation in the body.
Herbs may be suggested to help in the process of addressing certain health concerns and or to attain deeper and longer lasting results during the course of treatment. Herbal formulas are custom made for the client to fit the specific needs of the person for whom it is made.
Lifestyle Advice may be offered by the practitioner to help achieve balance, not only in body, but in daily life as well. This can include dietary advice, improving sleep hygiene, strategies to deal with stress and anxiety, suggestions on exercise, help with vitamins and supplements, and introducing meditation, tai chi, and qi gong.